Sunday, October 08, 2006

Things that happened

My ears are still ringing. Earlier I was in this competition that tested our knowhow in basic military skills. These skills include, land navigation and map reading, signal cimmunication, weapons proficiency, markmanship and of course running. The participants were randomly selected from the whole company and I was one of the lucky picks. It was fun, trying my best to remember all the military knowledges that I learned. I assembled the weapons, fire several rounds of live ammunition, run 3.2 kilometers and had fun in the process. In the end, my team won the competition and it was all worth it, the sweat and the unavoidable mishap was all rewarded when we finally received our plaques from the Commandant himself.
Nothing really changed much only that as the days pass and the break gets closer and closer, I am beginning to feel the frustration that goes with not being allowed to go on break. In an e-mail I was asked by someone... Are you going to L--a? My reply was jolly but inside me is the frustration that I am not that rare opportunity to visit HER...
Anyway, I am not to begin another litany of frustrations, time is running out, tommorrow I promise to write something better than just the things that happen. I guess I am still in some sort of trance imagining beautiful that just carries me off my feet... I'm signing off.... I love you people....

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