Thursday, July 26, 2007

Death in Deathly Hallows: A review of Harry Potter Book 7

Harry Potter have indeed grown. In the Deathly Hallows he was finally the Hero that most of his fans have wanted. The bold one and as the book would put it: someone who would do things for the greater good.

From the sad conclusion of Book 6 with Albus Dumbledore dying and Voldemort in the rampage, everyone knew that the last and final book was to have the answer to all the mysteries that plague the series of books about the young wizard. As all Harry Potter books do, it begins at the Dursleys, Potter's Muggle family.

Harry is already aware of the danger that he was to go into. He knew particularly well that the task Dumbledore left him before his death was not easy and it was the time to do it. The Order of Phoenix being his sole protector was in his defense when he had another encounter with his nemesis while being transported to the safety of the Weasley's Burrow. This very incident led to the first death in the book. This was to be the start of being the hunted as Voldemort siezes power in the Wizarding world and begins a reign of terror.

The first half of the story seemed to drag on the plot of hiding from Voldemort and finding the other Horcruxes. I feel that it took a while for J. K. Rowling to put direction to the quest of the three heroes (Ron, Hermione and Harry of course). I also think that it was because she was trying to explain all the mysteries that she left unanswered in the previous books. This was added by the new idea of the Deathly Hallows which also has to be explained. Harry travelled from place to place discovering things and getting answers especially those from his parents. The thing with all the travelling and moving was it seemed to dwell too much on issues about Harry's personality which was a bit boring. But then again, he is Harry Potter so the magic and the anticipation of getting the answers to all the questions I had kept me glued to the book.

The Battle at Hogwarts was, I should say, a redeeming part of the book since it gathered all of the characters in one place to make their stand against Voldemort. It was a fitting finale that allowed all the characters to show what they were really made off. Like the end part of the Book 5 where Dumbledore's Army fought with the Order of the Phoenix, magical duels really are fun and that covered up for the earlier part that seemed to exclude all of them.

It dragged again when a whole chapter was devoted into explaining the real score about Snape. I do feel that Snape had to be redeemed only that I do not agree with how it was done. I feel that his redemption should have been scattered throughout the whole book. I also feel that the explanation was done "forcefully" (read the book to understand what I mean).

Finally, Harry and Voldemort's duel was not as fantastic as I thought it would be. Although it was good that for the first time Voldemort was found out to have weakness, the duel was just not how I expected it to be.

The book could be over rated if I may say. Its release came at the exact playdate of the movie of its 5th installment. Also, there was just too much mystery to explain and it had to be done in the final book. Some say that the explanation of all the mysteries was the way to weave all the seven books as one story. I do agree with that, but then again, I still think that it would have been better if it was not done forcefully. I also think that there were so many deaths that was a bit uncalled for. I feel that those who died would have been elevated if their death was chronicled in such a way as to portray nobility (like that of the elf).

I still am a Harry Potter fan but I just have to say that I am disappointed with the final book. With an epilogue that happened 19 years after, I do not think J.K. Rowling will have a chance to redeem herself for not sustaining the magic of Harry Potter.

Anyway, I also have other questions: How did the Sword of Gryffindor came into the possession of Neville?

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