Tuesday, November 20, 2007

For Hiyas

The pictures in this entry was taken from the multiply site of my very good friend Hiyas. I know I promised that I will not name people in this blog but for this entry I just have to. This entry is about her.

I met her sometime in 2002 through a common friend. We did not talk much then, what I really wanted from her at that time was that she will treat me somewhere which I usually do to people I meet for the first time. I can not remember now if I was successful in that but what I do know was that meeting was one of the significant things that happened to me and I hope for her to.

Maybe it was because we met each other at the time when we needed people who will understand us. For her, it was about something that I know she will kill me if I discuss in this blog, for me it was about how I just wanted to go back to PMA. We would spend countless hours just sharing our thoughts about our frustrations in life. It would take place in some area in a mall, a restaurant somewhere or even over the tables somewhere in UP Diliman. I know now that the reason that we became friends was not because we had compatible personalities, I think its because we bothered to care for each other even if it was the stupidest thing that one can think of. I opened up my life to her just as she would let me in on hers. I marveled at her explanations on the chemical composition of something (she is a Chemist by the way) while I amaze her with my charms and all (ha ha.. sorry hindi ko alam). It wasn't something that we planned it was just a relationship that we nurtured all this time.

She is this person who will go out of her way to show to people that she cared. In the many conversations that we had when she will complain about things that bothered her especially about the people that she loved, although she will not admit it, it was because she just want them to be okay. Although she will never admit it, she is in fact a person whose heart melts easily especially if it was for people close to her.

The reason why I am writing this is that I miss her. When I finally came back to PMA, she was one of the last persons I saw as the bus was leaving for Baguio. She sent me lots and lots of letters as a cadet all in support for my dream. Even then, at the time when I want to cry out something that bothered me in PMA, she was always the first person that I could think of. Breaks always had to have a schedule for her. In some way, I could say that she was one person that I can talk to and know that I will have a rejuvenation of some sort after.

A few months ago, she also pursued her own dream. She left for the States for a scholarship. I have not seen her since and remembering how it has been, I really really miss her. Now is the time when I am at a stage where I can see my dreams turning into reality and its just not the same when I can not share it with her the same way I shared it to her when I was just dreaming. Yesterday, she celebrated her birthday (30 na yata sya). I could say now that I have never found a friend in her more than any other person I have met in this lifetime. She is now complaining of the cold weather in her new school. I just realized that its just the same thing when I complain to her that it is lonely here in PMA. Like me, I know she will overcome all that and come out victorious over the challenges life is offering us. What is more certain is that when she also gets her dream, I will be one of the first persons who will congratulate her and celebrate it with.

I guess the beauty of love is that it never stops making us better people. The person that I am now is a result of the support of people that love me and those that I also love dearly.

Ayoko na... Naiiyak na ako... Belated Happy Birthday, Yas

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